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Product Care


Do not burn candles for more than 4 hours or less than 1 hour - to obtain optimum burn, always allow the entire surface to become molten - this will ensure an even burn and prevent 'tunnelling'.  Keep out of reach of children and pets.


My pure cotton/linen braided flat wicks maintain a slight curl when burning.  The curl moves the wick into the hottest part of the flame, which helps to minimise or eliminate carbon build-up (mushrooming), reduce smoking and provide a 'self-trimming' effect - this creates a stable and consistent flame.


Keep out of draughts, as this will affect the performance and state of the wick (i.e. it may not self-trim - if this happens, trim to 0.5cm before each lighting). However, if air currents DO disturb the wick, reducing the self-trimming effects, small amounts of unburned carbon (soot) will result.  This is not harmful.  A well made candle, correctly used, should not create any smoke in use. 


Do Not burn to the bottom as the container will become very hot, and do not allow the wick to bend over towards the glass (if this happens, extinguish the candle and gently move the wick back to the centre once the wax starts to solidify).



Place your diffuser on a flat surface at least 10cm from walls.  Do not place directly on wooden furniture so as to avoid spillage damage.  Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Keep away from naked flames and DO NOT light the reeds.  Your diffuser will last several weeks, but once empty, I will gladly refill it with any choice of fragrance and supply new reeds.



Remove a square melt from the 6-pack and place it in the top of your wax burner. Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Keep out of draughts.  Do not move whilst your tea-light is lit and the wax is molten. Never leave unattended.

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